Wanaka Rock Climbing Club, Inc.
Annual General Meeting
11 December 2009
Welcome and Introductions:
Attendance: Teddy Oram, Zdenek Racuk, Glen Einam, Ken Super, Sean O’Connor, David Bunn, Jon Sedon, Anna Simmonds, Scott Standen, Bruce Dowrick
Apologies: Nia O’Connor, Nick Cradock, Murray Ball
Minutes of previous AGM: accepted as true and accurate
Presidents Report:
• Club is financially healthy but membership is stagnant and likely dwindling
• Projects
o Cutting mostly re-bolted
o Cattle Yard mostly re-bolted
o Many tracks marked and maintained
o A number of other individual routes fixed up
• Much hardware distributed to members, currently club mostly out of hardware
• Club submission on Mt Aspiring National Park Plan
• Working with DoC on a management agreement
• New guidebook is finished and currently being printed
• Acknowledge support of all club members and others in the climbing community that have helped.
Treasure’s Report: financials accepted as true and accurate
• 17 Subscriptions totalling $450 down from 24 subs down from 35 subs
• Guidebook sales were nearly $5,000. Old guides are now being discounted.
• Still carrying about 80 guides valued at $10 each
• Other revenue came from member contributions and advertising
• Small amount of expenses from last AGM and expense reimbursements
• Total surplus income less expenses was $6904.48
• At the end of the financial year the bank account was at $7315.48
• We have some miscellaneous hardware totalling about $250 consisting mostly of ring hangers.
• At the end of the financial year the accounts receivable was $1675 due to invoicing.
• Net assets are $6690.48
President – Greg Johnston
Secretary – Anna Simmonds
Treasurer – Ken Super
Access – Nick Cradock
Bolts/Equipment – Greg Johnston
Social – Jon Sedon
Committee – Glen Einam, Jon Sedon, Bruce Dowrick, Nick Cradock, Murray Ball
Next AGM date: Mid December 2010
Meeting adjourned