Wanaka Rock Climbing Club, Inc
AGM 2008
9th Dec 2008
Attendance: Greg Johnston, Jerry Murray-Orr, Ken Super, Murray Ball, Scott Standen, Rich Tribe, Ben Eyers, Jessica Eyers, Russell Braddock, Jon Sedon, Bruce Dowrick. Svenja Stellfeld
Apologies: John Hammond, Ian McNab, Shawn & Nia O'Connor,
Minutes from last AGM: Minutes of ’07 AGM were vaporized and therefore not read and approved but financials were ratified.
Elections: John Hammond resigned as treasurer, Greg Johnston to carry on as President, Jessica E to carry on as secretary, Ken elected to be treasurer.
Treasurer's report:
Financial report is for Oct 2007 – Sept 2008. Given out guide books to Good Sports and Mainly Tramping but still in receivables. (acc receivable about $5000). Mainly Tramping returned 60 guide books as they are selling to slowly. $625 in subs for 2007-2008 (24 members) $1300 in guidebooks. Bolt fund: more than $1000. Gross imcome $3000. $4000 in expenses – Alpine Club and Outsider for gear (hardware), and some costs associated with last year's AGM. Still lots of 12mm bolts – should be mainly used for rebolting the Cutting. Current assets = $2000 in bank, $5000 in guidebooks, hardware $800.
Old business:
Last year's general meeting minutes read and approved.
Approximately 320 guidebooks in stock including returns. Jerry mentioned Elements might need more guidebooks.
All agreed to reduce the guide from $20 to $15. All new members may have a free guidebook. It is the time to shift books this summer. Possible to further reduce guide to cost or below. We will aim to get the highest margin possible to sell all books.
Rich suggested selling on trademe. Go on then Rich.
Bakehouse and Kai Whaka Pai Areas - signage in place and track marked. Jerry will install stiles.
Highside area loop track is marked but needs additional maintenance.
All crag trail heads are marked.
A number of climbers are taking dogs into Kai Pai area. Dogs are not allowed in this area because it is farm land. Signs are clearly posted. Please do not jeopardize climbing access by bringing your dog/s into this area. Dogs are allowed in DOC recreation reserves but they are not allowed in DOC conservation reserves (Diamond Lake).
Greg suggested that John McRae, DOC and club discuss fencing between private property and DOC property.
Jerry will ask DOC to write the club a letter regarding their position on fencing off the area. Svenja had previously offered to facilitate raising trust and lottery money for this purpose. Could be funding from Central Lakes Trust for this (conservation).
New business:
Scott Standen volunteered to produce the new guide book. He will send out a proposed layout by Janurary 31 st. Jerry will provide Scott with data from old book.
It is agreed the new guide should be printed by the beginning of October. Scott and Anna are keen.
Bruce to research various printing options
Book Ideas:
Need clearer pictures with clearer better topo lines.
Icons to describe climbing cliffs (sun/shade, summer/winter, bolts/natural, etc.)
Need feedback on stars, grades, etc.
Consolidate and condesnse some areas
Loads of advertising – good to help pay for guide, needs extra space in book. Murray is keen to help
Need more good climbing shots – All to try to take and send in photos
Needs to be stitched and bound – Bruce to research options
Queenstown guidebook and Alpine club guidebook are good examples. $40 is ok but max.
Add Tombstone area to bouldering section.
Examples of good guides – rock fax, blue mountains, boulder
Other new business:
Working bee at Cutting – Saturday 31, January. Meeting, eating and drinking afterwards.
Greg Johnston and Glen Einam are project managers.
Tasks to be completed:
- Replace and/or Fix up Anchors
- Remove existing dyna-bolts, over drill same hole and re-place with 12mm stainless bolts and hangers
-Extend track from Cutting to Falcon Steep
-Add D12 Staples to access areas
The new bolts on Critic’s Choice were chopped, again, by Allen Uren and company. The original route was very, very dirty and rarely climbed. It was certainly not the gem it is today. Additionally, the anchor was very low on the route at about ¼ height of the cliff leaving nearly 75% more cliff and new climbing above the old route. Some feel Allen should spend his time properly cleaning his own routes in the crack house. The group vigorously debated the subject and came to a general consensus that it should be left as a natural line because it is a crack and more bolting followed by more chopping will only make the conservation of rock more difficult
Svenja to chase previous and new members for subs.
Paid Subs:
Ken Super
Jerry Murray-Orr
Greg Johnston
Anna Simmonds
Scott Standon
Bruce Dowrick
Jon Sedon
Ben Eyers
Jessica Eyers
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